8. Glossary

Core Team

In charge of ANGO operations and other business-related ventures. Creates, implements and manages key features for the benefit of ANGO NFT holders. Proposes questions to DAO and also votes.


Non fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership, and the possibility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms


A Decentralised Autonomous Organisation is a method of governance where rules are encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled through votes of a distributed group of organization members rather than a single entity.

ANGO tokens

ANGO tokens alter how users interact with the platform (Governance).


The collective term for all the elements that make up virtual worlds, including the ecosystem of people and objects that form economies within those

Vacation Rental

Renting out an apartment, condominium, or house to tourists


Locking up assets on a platform to earn rewards.

Multi Signature Wallet

A digital wallet that requires signatures from different parties to authorize transactions.


Sending tokens to wallet addresses that meet certain conditions for free.

Last updated